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Galleria Filipiniana
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Roots and Wings: The Expatriate's Paradox

by Dr. Jean Raymuno Lobell
Jean is President of the Asian American Federation of New York (AAFNY) and a board member of United Way (New York). A recipient of the Outstanding Filipino Overseas Award in 1991, she is founder and President of the U.S.-based AcXel International Ltd.,a specialized international consulting firm that provides human resources, training and organization development services.

Community Organizing and Political Empowerment
in the Filipino American Community

by Mark Pulido
Mark is the first Filipino American to be elected President of UCLA's Student Association (student government) in 1992-1993. One of the most prominent Filipino American young adult leaders, he graduated in June 1997 from the University of Chicago with a master's degree in Public Policy and is currently working for the City of Long Beach and Youth Coordinator of the National Federation of Filipino American Associations (NaFFAA).

FINDing an Identity:
The First Step in Empowering Our Youth

Christmas in the Philippines

by Vladimir J.M. Manuel
Vee-Jay is the Founding Chair of the Filipino Intercollegiate Networking Dialogue (FIND), the largest Filipino youth network outside the Philippines. He was formerly Technical Assistant to the Consul General of the Philippines in New York and is currently an MBA candidate at Fordham Business School.  Vee-Jay is also Secretary & Director of the Filipino American Human Services, Inc. (FAHSI).





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