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2020 Vision

2020 Vision explains the rationale for FORCE 2020, a personal site that aims to contribute to Philippine development and Filipino American empowerment. Click on the link on the left to know more how the web spinster envisions the marriage of the cyber and non-cyber community.

Filipino American
Community in the
New York Area

The next link spotlights the Filipino American Human Services, Inc. (FAHSI), the first human service agency in New York City backed by public and private funds. FAHSI primarily caters to youth leadership development. Incidentally, this page received the highest rating among pages devoted to Asian cultures in Lycos' community pages.

This backgrounder on the Filipino Community dwells on the history and current state of Filipino Americans in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Its main focus is on the demographics and potential power of the vibrant community. The Consulate General of the Philippines uses this backgrounder in learning more about their constituency.


Facts About the Philippines

If you have very little time to research on the Philippines, these are facts not to miss. Should you require further reading, I suggest you do a search at the site of the Library of Congress. LOC has posted the entire text of an excellent country report on the Philippines. You will find that an indispensable tool.

This Month in History

Originally, the webmaster was going to post historical trivia from facts compiled by the Philippine National Historical Commission. Realizing that, after formatting a selection for the month of July, it was such a painful and tedious task (not to mention for something one does not get paid for), the web spinster decided to abandon the idea.

You should still visit that page and at least, could brag to your friends how much you know about Philippine history (there are at least three facts for each day in July for a total of at least 90 tidbits)! If that is not a good enough reason, come on, just think of the many hours I spend creating the page for you!

Consular Information
and Procedures

For those who insist on sending the web spinster queries on passports and visas, you should visit this directory of Philippine Diplomatic Posts in the United States. If you are not sure which of these Consulates General have jurisdiction over where you live (which is where you should file for applications), try the one nearest you. If you are still unsure, contact the Philippine Embassy in Washington, D.C.

If anything, the most annoying email received by the web spinster are from those who ask for passport or visa information. All other queries are very welcome!

Travel Study

Parents concerned that their children will lose touch with their roots have been wanting an entire summer program where the children will learn more about the Philippines in a cool way.

What the Commission on Filipinos Overseas came up with  is a two-week intensive acculturation and assimilation program in the Philippines (due to the costs it will impose on the sending parents, it had to be short). Both my brother and sister went last year and still talks about their experience to this day. Don't your kids (grade school, high school, college, and beyond) deserve this? You won't be disappointed. The good news is that neither will they. Sign-up for the Lakbay Aral Program!

Retiring in the Philippines

If you thought that it's too late to plan for retirement, think again. If it really is, then visiting this page will put you ahead of the game. It contains vital information on retiring in the Philippines provided by the Philippine Retirement Authority themselves. As a side note, you don't have to be of retirement age to retire!

Land Owndership
in the Philippines

Land ownership in the Philippines used to be a dream for foreigners because of the intricacies of the law. If you are a foreigner, or were a former Philippine citizen, click on this link for information on how you can own land in the Philippines. With the construction and real estate boom, don't wait before it's too late (read: before prices skyrockets).

Procedures for Investments

This two-part Procedures for Investments is a must read for all investors. It details information on what one can own for what percentage across industries. If you are like me, I only dream to invest in anything right now, with the exception of my Global Professional MBA from Fordham Business School. Nevertheless, I am sure a lot of surfers will find the information here invaluable.

Come back some time soon for the second part.

Build-Operate-Transfer Law

The Philippine BOT story has been heralded by the major global financial institutions as a force in aiding the growth of the economy. If you are a multi-millionaire or just have a lot of money to throw away (or a student who needs BOT information for a research paper or presentation), this is the page for you. Unfortunately, it is still under construction.





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This page was last updated on Friday, April 10, 1998.

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Vladimir J.M. Manuel
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