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An Experience in Rediscovering One’s Roots and Filipino Heritage

The Commission on Filipinos Overseas, an agency under the Department of Foreign Affairs, is inviting all Filipino youth abroad to join a fun-filled and experiential-based learning journey of rediscovering their roots and Filipino heritage.

what is lakbay-aral?

Lakbay-Aral is a Filipino term meaning "travel-study". It is also the name of a program developed and implemented by the Commission on Filipinos Overseas since 1983 to enable Filipino youth overseas to undertake a journey to rediscover their roots and Filipino heritage. The program, conducted every year, is a two-week cultural immersion activity which consist of direct participation in traditional festivals, on-site lectures about Filipino heritage, guided visits to historical places, and interaction with Filipino students, members of the indigenous communities, and government and community leaders.

what are the aims of lakbay-aral?

The program seeks to provide children of Filipinos overseas with opportunities to trace their roots and rediscover their heritage. After the two-week experiential program in the Philippines, the participants are expected to have a better understanding of the country and its people and greater awareness and appreciation of the rich Filipino cultural heritage. This experience and knowledge gained will hopefully serve as a catalyst in the participant’s search for and realization of his/her Filipino identity.

how can you join the lakbay-aral program?

It’s so easy to join! If you are 15-25 years old, and physically fit, then you can enlist in this eye-opening experience. To confirm your participation, please submit the duly completed application form to the Secretariat, Lakbay-Aral Program, Commission on Filipinos Overseas, Citigold Center, 1345 Quirino Avenue cor. South Superhighway, Manila, Philippines.

The program fee per participant includes: all inland transportation; food (breakfast, lunch, dinner); hotel accommodation; tour packages; learning materials; and accident and medical insurance for the duration of the program.

background information

Latest statistics put the number of overseas Filipinos at 6.4 million, 30% or 1.88 million of which are permanent residents. As a government agency mandated to promote the general welfare and interests of Filipinos abroad, particularly those who are permanent residents, the Commission on Filipinos Overseas (CFO) implements various programs and activities which seek to establish and maintain cultural and economic linkages between overseas Filipinos and their homeland.

The Lakbay-Aral program is one of the programs of the CFO which addresses the concerns of overseas Filipinos. It seeks to provide younger generations of overseas Filipinos with opportunities to learn and appreciate Philippine history, culture and heritage through the conduct of on-site lectures and exposure trips.

First implemented in 1983, Lakbay-Aral is the result of a survey conducted by CFO in 1981 in selected cities of Continental USA, Canada and Australia. Filipino immigrants were in agreement of the need for their children to know and appreciate the country of their forebears. Since its inception in 1983, the Lakbay-Aral has been conducted seven times, specifically in 1983, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1995, 1996, and 1997. The program has gathered a total of 77 participants - or 11 students per year on the average- from three countries, namely: the United States of America, France and Spain.

CFO has developed information materials and introduced new components to respond to the critical and evolving needs of Filipino youth overseas.

program description

Lakbay-Aral is a Filipino term which means "travel-study". The program enables young Filipinos overseas to undertake a journey of rediscovering their roots and heritage. The program, conducted every year, is a two-week cultural immersion activity which consists of direct participation in traditional festivals, on-site lectures about Filipino culture and heritage, guided visits to historical places, and interaction with Filipino students, members of the indigenous communities, and government and community leaders.


To provide opportunities for the participants to trace their roots and re-discover their identities as Filipinos;

To enrich the participants’ understanding of the Philippines and its people;

To enhance the awareness and appreciation of the rich Philippine cultural heritage;

To instill and preserve a sense of nationalism and pride among the participants; and

To bridge the gap between the participants’ present culture and their historical and cultural roots.


programme features

The activity is an immersion programme in Philippine studies which enables participants to learn and appreciate Filipino socio-cultural dynamics and environment through field tours and combined with on-site lectures conducted at historical landmarks and scenic spots in selected urban and rural areas in Luzon.

An actual exposure to Filipino customs, traditions, arts and crafts is facilitated with the participants’ participation in traditional festivities and field orientation on the dynamics of present day Philippine society. The program also offers opportunity for interaction with Filipino students, government and community leaders, and members of the indigenous communities.

For further information, please contact:

Commission on Filipinos Overseas
Tel. Nos. (632) 562-3852 or 561-8327
Fax No. (632) 561-8332 or E-Mail:

Click on the links below for the schedule, application form, and consent form.


LA Schedule LA Application





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